Klinisk Studie av FAST Shampo og Conditioner
Study Objective
The main objective of this study is to determine the efficacy of the FAST Shampoo and Conditioner System to increase the rate of hair growth by a non-invasive method, in this case by hair coloring and measurements of the roots every 42 days (6 weeks). The study involved 20 healthy female volunteers and was conducted over three periods of 42 days for a total of 18 weeks. The first period was the reference during which the volunteers followed their regular hair cleansing routine. During the other two periods, the volunteers had to apply the test treatment once a day.
- Over 42% of the test individuals noted increased hair growth after 28 days use.
- 89% of all participants considered the products as functional to increase the rate of hair growth.
- An average 30% increase in the rate of hair growth was documented.
- The highest noted increase was at 99%
- Test results imply that the efficacy rate increases with time used.
- Maximum results are best observed by those with shorter hair.
- 95% of all participants appreciated the easy to rinse out attributes of both the shampoo and conditioner.
- 11% of participants experienced a side effect of a “slight itching sensation”
- 95% of all participants reported a “moisturizing effect” with 89% enjoying a “nourishing effect”, including shiny, healthy and silky appearance.
Rates of hair growth determined at different time points were compared to each other. The volunteers also evaluated the effects of the treatment on the rate of hair growth by completing a self-assessment questionnaire. The ages of the volunteers ranged from 21-54 years of age.
Study Conducted By:
5475 Pare, Suite 206
Mont-Royal, QC H4P 1P7
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